Wednesday 21 May 2014


I'm back! Missed me? Haha.

So I re-read my blog posts, and it sounds a lot like a rant blog to me. *frowns*

So today, I'm going to say some good stuffs.

About Wattpad.

So, for those who don't know what Wattpad is, it's a website which I really love, because it serves as a platform for budding writers, like me. I used to think, "When are my stories gonna be read?" I didn't know which publisher to send to, and I didn't know if my stories were good enough. So for a while, my writing inspiration died down.

But! Last year, while I was travelling with my orchestra mates, I found out about Wattpad. I was lying down on the bed in the hotel and realised that my roommate had been really addicted to her phone, I could practically glue it in her face. So out of curiosity, I asked her what was she doing. She looked up and said: "Fanfictions." Wow. I was dumbstruck. "And which websites serve fanfics?" I asked. "Wattpad." So I took out my phone, went to Wattpad, and BAM! I'm addicted now.

A few authors on Wattpad have been published, but a lot of authors on Wattpad are still struggling to get their stories noticed, like me. Currently, the highest read on my book is 1,407, and I'm thankful for that. However, that figure took me 6 months. Patience, patience.

You can also interact with your favorite authors (if they're on Wattpad, that is. But most them are). And get this! You usually get to read a preview of their newest book for free! How cool is that?

So, after reading this, I hope you get an account soon. It's fun, I promise. I've met a lot of great people there. Also, if you get an account, remember to follow me at @ lostviolinist.

That's all for now, bye!
Happy Reading! =D

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Music Tastes

Howdy, mates!

Yeah, you guessed it right, I like playing with colors. I think the only thing that isn't colored are my nails, hair and contacts. Haha. Just kidding.

So, today I'm gonna talk about music tastes.

My dad absolutely hates my music taste. He thinks I'm listening to rubbish music, no wait, he thinks most modern songs are rubbish. I think I agree with the latter, but.....

Every time I go in the car and put in my earphones, he'll make me take them off. Yeah, I know, earphones are bad, yale yale. Then he makes me connect my phone to the radio via Bluetooth, so that my whole family can have a taste of what kind of music I'm listening too. Or, as he claims it, to catch up with the youngsters.

And they're usually very disappointed.


Because the music I listen to are usually fast-paced, or too slow. And every time we have a car trip it usually goes for like, more than two hours. So he switches it back to his oldies, like you know, You're Beautiful, Hotel California etc. 

Let me tell you a secret: I've been listening to those songs for the 14 years of my existence.

So what makes him so attracted to those songs? I don't know. Yes, I admit, some of the lyrics are really meaningful and relatable, but it's time to move on, Dad!

A few of my favorite singers are Greyson Chance, Ronan Parke and Justin Bieber (don't judge). Greyson because he is really very talented, you can't deny that. And Ronan because his voice is so steady and controlled. And now that his voice has matured, it's even better. And Justin. Hah. Here comes the judging part. Well, let's be honest- he doesn't sound like a girl anymore. And if you listen closely to his Believe album, you actually get what he's trying to say. But I know you're going to say: But what about his drug dealing? Let me make this clear: I like him for his music, and of course I'm very disappointed that he's involved in that. But I can't do anything, right? So yeah.

I'd like to hear from you guys too! I want to know what kind of music do you listen to, and what would you recommend me to listen to.

Happy Reading! =D

Monday 19 May 2014


Hello everyone! Thought I might use a bit of colour for my first post. 

Okay, enough playing around. Haha.


Hey there!
This is my very first post, and I'm veryyy excited.
So, let's get started by knowing a little about me, alright?

5 random facts:

1. My pen name is Cadence, so I'd prefer you calling me that.
2. I'm fascinated by lights.
3. I write on Wattpad.
4. I like history.
5. I love Romance and Historical Fiction.

So yeah, that's a pretty good start, no? Hopefully, I'll attract a bigger audience as time passes. So, this blog is gonna be about nothing and everything. Also, if you have any suggestions about what I should blog about next, just leave a comment in the comment below!

Happy Reading! =D